Friday 9 September 2011

Super vintage French fabric tomorrow at the Rag Rescue website.

Been busy all day clearing the lounge ready for the decorators on Monday. It's not the packing of boxes but where to put them all for the next couple of weeks. 
Any ideas?


Used-to-Bees said...

Poor you! I know the problem - we need to decorate our bedroom (including de-carpeting and sanding the floor), but the thought of moving all the 'stuff' and furniture out and having it cluttering the entire house, then covering it with a fine layer of dust from the sanding, is just too much to bear! Could you suspend the boxes from the ceiling I wonder? ; )

Sandie said...

Hi Alix,Could suspend the boxes from the ceiling although they would probably fall down as it is a really old house he! he!
Furniture is everywhere not sure where we are going to sit and our son is visiting next week. He's been travelling the world for a year so should be used to chaos but what a home coming. I don't envy your bedroom re-decoratong and the sanding. We did that ourselves a few years ago and it wasn't pleasant. Good luck with it all.